Sustainability Awards

Applications for 2024 are now closed

The University of Melbourne's Sustainability Awards recognises students and staff who have championed sustainability through their studies, work, and extracurricular activities. These awards underscore the significant role everyone plays in achieving the targets of Sustainability Plan 2030 (SP2030).

The awards feature seven distinct categories organised into two criteria: Project-Based Awards and Individual Awards.

Project-Based Awards

This award has five different categories and recognises team-based projects involving student groups and/or clubs, staff, and contractors.

  • Excellence in Sustainable Communications and Engagement Award

    This award acknowledges a project(s), completed by University of Melbourne student groups and/or clubs, staff, and contractors, centred on sustainability engagement and communications.

    Excluding Teaching and Learning, it recognises teams that have effectively championed sustainability, engaged the community in educational and informal skill-based learning or activities, and fostered collaborative partnerships to broaden and deepen their impact.

    Nomination Criteria
    • Projects have a clear alignment with the targets and objectives of the SP2030.
    • Teams have engaged the community in the positive uptake of sustainability skills, knowledge and behaviours through informal learning related to sustainability.
    • Teams have demonstrated excellence in sustainability engagement and communications, including past examples such as, running sustainable events, managing, and operating a college op shop, and developing awareness campaigns focused on sustainability.
    • Teams have exhibited commitments to advancing sustainability practices within the University or broader University community.
  • Outstanding Sustainable Operational Impact Award

    This award acknowledges a project(s) completed by University of Melbourne student groups and/or clubs, staff, and contractors centred on sustainability operations.

    Excluding Teaching and Learning, it honours a team that has spearheaded an initiative focusing on sustainable operational impacts that align with targets outlined in the SP2030.

    Nomination Criteria
    • Projects have a clear alignment with the targets and objectives of the SP2030, particularly those related to the targets that fall under the ‘walking the talk’ domain of the plan.
    • Teams have led initiatives focusing on operational impacts, some examples may include, but are not limited to improving infrastructure to reduce waste on campus, help the University reduce its carbon footprint and help enhance or protect our plants and animals (biodiversity) on campus.
    • Teams have exhibited positive impacts through sustainable operational practices within the University.
    • Teams have ideally demonstrated some innovation and can demonstrate impactful change.
  • Excellence in Teaching and Learning Award

    This award acknowledges a project(s) completed by University of Melbourne academic staff, centred on Teaching and Learning. This award celebrates academic staff who have showcased collaboration, innovation, and significant contributions to sustainability within the curriculum throughout the academic year and is also open to existing subjects and Learning and Teaching Initiatives focused on sustainability.

    Award recipients should exemplify academic excellence, drive positive change and inspire students.

    Nomination Criteria 

    • Projects have a clear alignment with the targets and objectives of the SP2030.
    • Staff have developed innovative curriculum approaches that integrate sustainability principles, concepts, and practices into teaching and learning activities.
    • Staff have generated positive impacts on students' knowledge and engagement with sustainability.
  • Excellence in Research Award

    This award acknowledges a project(s) completed by University of Melbourne research students or academic staff that have demonstrated collaboration, innovation, and impact in sustainability research.

    Pioneering initiatives, recipients of this award must exemplify excellence in research and drive positive change.

    Nomination Criteria
    • Projects have a clear alignment with the targets and objectives of the SP2030.
    • Recipients have pioneered research initiatives in sustainability.
    • Recipients have demonstrated positive measurable impacts.
    • Recipients have utilised our campuses as living laboratories.
  • Retailer Best Practice Award

    This award recognises a retailer on campus who has endeavoured to reduce the environmental footprint of its operations and has encouraged its customers to participate in its efforts.

    This award will be based on the retailer’s practices, the sustainability initiatives they are currently focusing on and what innovative ideas they have implemented.

    Nomination Criteria 

    • Projects have a clear alignment with the targets and objectives of the SP2030.
    • Retailers have embedded sustainability initiatives in their operations and followed the sustainability guidelines outlined in their leases.
    • Retailers have encouraged involvement from their customers and raised awareness of their sustainability initiatives to increase the impact.

Individual Awards

This award has two different categories that recognise students and staff who have significantly contributed to sustainability initiatives at the University and within the wider community, demonstrating passion through learning, advocacy, and gaining new experiences in the field.

  • Student Changemaker Award

    This award recognises a student who has contributed to sustainability initiatives at the University and in the wider University community. They have shown a passion for sustainability through their willingness to learn, advocate and gain new experiences in the field.

    There are no academic prerequisites for this award.

    Nomination Criteria
    • Be a current student at The University of Melbourne (either undergraduate or postgraduate, PhD students included).
    • Students have made contributions to sustainability initiatives at the University of Melbourne and within the broader University community, that have a demonstratable positive impact. This could be through but not limited to student volunteering, leading sustainability initiatives at the University and being part of the University’s existing sustainability programs.
    • Students have a passion for sustainability.
    • Students have a positive influence on their wider University communities by advocating for sustainability.
  • Staff Changemaker Award

    This award recognises a staff member who has significantly contributed to sustainability initiatives at the University and in the wider University community. They have shown a passion for sustainability through their willingness to learn, advocate and gain new experiences in the field.

    Nomination Criteria
    • Be a current staff member at The University of Melbourne (professional staff or academic staff at the University or affiliates included)
    • Staff have made contributions to sustainability initiatives at the University of Melbourne and within the broader University community. These contributions should have a measurable and positive impact.
    • Staff have a passion for sustainability.
    • Staff have a positive influence on their wider University communities by advocating for sustainability.

To apply, you must adhere to the following:

Please fill in the application form and send it to  Applications close at 11:59pm on Monday 30 September 2024.

For a greater chance of success, this information should be supported by appropriate evidence, such as weblinks, statistics, photos, accompanying case studies, and testimonials. Please note the supporting evidence should be included in the main body of the application.

Important note

The application (including the cover page) should be no longer than six pages for project-based applications and five pages for individual applications.

Winners will be announced at the Sustainability Awards Ceremony on 29 October 2024.